Monday, 27 August 2012


Start the new year, information about the latest technology has been widely circulated 2011. And this time I try to share one of them. Once the technology exists today in 2010 about the strange coffin, now the more widely nih information about holographic TV technology.

Starting early 2011, Apple plans to immediately develop and television screens that produce holographic images without special glasses. This technology is related to the latest patents revealed.

A recent Apple patent reveals that the company that manufactures the iPod and the iPhone is currently working to create a screen that is capable of producing three-dimensional and holographic images without glasses. This technology will provide a more realistic experience to the user.

Apple's patent claims that the technology will create a holographic image appears and has the ability to track the movements of the eyes of the audience.

Holographic TV technology is a remarkable aspect of the invention for producing a virtual experience that was indistinguishable from looking at the actual hologram image.

Three-dimensional television will be the latest technology trends in 2011 after the manufacturer ready to launch 3D television and blu-ray player.

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